Ford cortina

Ford cortina: фотографии всех поколений — бибипедия | все о авто, скутерах и мопедах

Ford Cortina Mark II (1966–1970)

Cortina Mark II
Production 1966-19701,159,389 units (UK)
Body style(s) 2-door saloon4-door saloon5-door estate2-door convertible (conversion)
Engine(s) 1.2L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.3L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.5L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.6L OHV «Kent» Straight-43.0L OHV «Essex» V6 (Savage conversion)
Wheelbase 98 in (2489 mm)
Length 168 in (4267 mm) (saloon)
Width 64.9 in (1648 mm)
Height 55.7 in (1415 mm)
Curb weight 1,890 lb (857 kg) (De Luxe)2,032 lb (922 kg) (1600E)
Fuel capacity Template:Convert/LoffAonDbSoffImp
Designer Roy Haynes

The second incarnation of the Cortina was designed by Roy Haynes, and released in 1966, four years after the original Cortina.

Again, a Lotus version was produced (this time done in-house at Ford) but the most admired was the 1600E that came out in late 1967.

The engines were at first carried over, but for 1967, they received a new crossflow cylinder head design, making them more efficient. At this time, they became 1.3 L and 1.6 L in size, with the Lotus Cortina continuing with its own unique engine. A stripped out 1.2 L version running the engine of the Ford Anglia Super was also available for some tax conscious markets.

The Cortina was Britain’s most popular new car in 1967, achieving the goal that Ford had been trying to achieve since it set out to create the original Cortina back in 1960.

Again, 2- and 4-door saloons and a 4-door estate were offered with base, Deluxe, Super, GT and later 1600E trims available, but again, not across all body styles and engine options.

The 1600E combined the lowered Lotus Cortina’s suspension with the high-tune GT 1600 Kent engine and luxury trim featuring a burr walnut woodgrain-trimmed dashboard and door cappings, bucket seating, sports steering wheel and full instrumentation inside, while a black grille, tail panel, front fog lights and plated Rostyle wheels featured outside.

For 1969, the Mark II range was given subtle revisions, with separate «FORD» block letters mounted on the bonnet and boot lids, a blacked out grille and chrome strips on top and below the taillights running the full width of the tail panel marking them out.

A 3.0 litre Essex V-6-engined variant was developed privately in South Africa by Basil Green, and was sold through the Grosvenor Ford network of dealers as the Cortina Perana; a similar model appeared later in Britain and was known as the Cortina Savage. Savage was available with 1600E trim in all three body styles, while her South African stablemate was offered only as 4-door saloon initially with GT trim and later E trim.

Поколение Mark V (1979–1985)

Ford Cortina 2.0 Ghia, 1980 год

Автомобиль Ford Cortina пятого поколения выпускался с 1979 по 1982 годы. Модель оснащалась двигателями 1.3. 1.6 и 2.0 в сочетании с четырехступенчатой «механикой» или трехступенчатым «автоматом». Машина предлагалась в версиях двух- или четырехдверный седан, пятидверный универсал и пикап. На смену этой модели пришел Ford Sierra.

В Австралии Cortina V поколения выпускалась до апреля 1980 года, где она была известна как TF Cortina.

Во многом обновления в пятом поклоении носили косметический характер. Изменениям подверглись передние фары, к которым добавились большие изогнутые указатели поворотов, сигналы которых стали видны со стороны автомобиля.

Была увеличена передняя решетка радиатора, увеличена площадь стекла и измена форма крыши, что позволило увеличить аэродинамические свойства автомобиля. Так же изменениям подверглись задние фонари и элементы отделки.

Рестайлинговые изменения делались в первую очередь для приведения внешности Cortina в соответсвие с дизайном набирающих популярности автомобилей Fiesta MkI, Капри MkIII и предстоящего Escort MkIII.

Все это позволило модели пятого поколения Ford Cortina в течении следующих пяти лет оставаться самым продаваемым автомобилем в Великобритании, аж до того времени, когда на смену ему пришел Ford Escort в 1982 году.

Вплоть до 1981, Кортина был первым продаваемым автомобилем в Великобритании. В последний, 1982 год, своего выпуска, Кортина был вторым продаваемым автомобилем в Великобритании и самым популярным большим семейным автомобилем.

ТОП предложения Ford Cortina:

Виновником того, что такая интересная машина не пошла на конвейер, можно считать советскую плановую экономику. В связи с промедлениями предприятий-смежников серийный выпуск всего семейства наладили позже запланированных сроков, а на купе и вовсе не осталось времени.

Он, понимая востребованость такой модели на рынках капстран, поторапливал инженеров с началом выпуска купе.

1967 Ford Lotus Cortina Mk2 — One Take

Советский импортер даже предлагал до запуска в производство двигателя модели временно устанавливать на московскую двухдверку моторы от Ford Cortina. Ford Cortina Производство недорого седана Ford Cortina стартовало в году. Но никаких вам алюминиевых кузовных панелей, инжекторов и съемных крыш.

Зато у Cortina имелась версия от Lotus — с двигателем с двумя распределительными валами мощностью л. Скажите, как можно скопировать автомобиль и при этом внести в него около изменений?

История автомобиля началась летом года, когда было подписано соглашение между советским Внешторгом и компанией Fiat. Как базовую выбрали ю модель.

Когда итальянцы в Турине показали нашим свою машину, советской делегации она целиком понравилась. Недовольным оказался лишь один член делегации — А. Андронов, на то время главный конструктор МЗМА. Он не захотел подписывать соглашение касательно базовой машины. ВАЗ В самолете, по пути из Италии в Москву, его уговаривали и профильный министр, и его заместитель, но опытный инженер стоял на своем: Чиновникам пришлось надавить на итальянцев и внести конструктивные изменения.

Сотрудничество с СССР позволило итальянцам накопить серьезный опыт по испытанию своих машин и существенно усилить их конструкцию.

Cortina Mk4 (1976-1979)

Несмотря на это, на некоторых зарубежных рынках ВАЗ продавался лучше своего прототипа Фиата из-за модернизированной конструкции и конкурентоспособной цены. Автомобиль изначально конструировался под четыре силовых агрегата — модернизированный четырехцилиндровый от ГАЗ, 6-цилиндровый новый агрегат, V8 от Чайки и 4-цилиндровый дизель.

В целом, внешний облик и конструкция седана сформировалась к году, но в производство машина поступила только через 3 года. К сожалению, до конвейера и массовой серии дошел только один-единственный четырехцилиндровый бензиновый мотор ЗМЗД объемом 2, л и мощностью 95 л. Заокеанский автомобиль выпускался с по годы. Машины почти идентичны по размеру колесная база отличалась лишь на 4 см в пользу ГАЗа , схожи они и в техническом плане: Седан оснащался 2,4-литровым двигателем мощностью 85 л.

Appearances in popular culture

In British television series Life on Mars, DCI Gene Hunt drives a then-current bronze Ford Cortina 2000E dressed to resemble an earlier GXL.

Various Mk III, Mk IV and particularly Mk V model Cortinas were often seen in a number of episodes of the British television series The Professionals.

Various Cortina models can be seen on the car lot of Arthur Daley Motors in the opening credits of the British television series Minder.

John Cleese’s headmaster character in the film Clockwise drives a beige Mk V Cortina.

Several songs have paid homage to the Ford Cortina over the years, notably including the single Grey Cortina by the Tom Robinson Band

The protagonist of the Clash’s Janie Jones has “a Ford Cortina that just won’t run without fuel.”

The Ford Cortina is mentioned in the 1985 song «Apathy» by the U.K. punk band The Subhumans.

It also has a mention in Elton John’s 1995 single Made in England

In the Irish television series Father Ted, Father Ted Crilly owns a Ford Cortina Mark V.

A backfiring Cortina Mk IV with multi coloured replacement bodywork is shown driven by Onslow on the BBC TV Series Keeping Up Appearances.

Nescafe employed a green MK III 2000E in an advert a few years ago which famously sported a large afro wig and a reworked version of Tone-Loc’s Funky Cold Medina

A Mk III Cortina appears on the front cover to the Long Blondes album, Someone To Drive You Home.

Поколение TC Mark III (1970–1976)

Ford Cortina GT, 1971 год

Третье поколение Форд Кортина выпускалось с 1970 по 1976 годы. Учитывая популярность модели, уже в конце 1960-х компания приступила к разработке очередного третьего поколения Cortina, Марк III.

Значительным объемам выпуска этой модели, помимо высокой популярности, способствовало слияние английского и немецкого подразделений в современный Европейский Форд, а в производственных картах появилось внутренее название TC1 от сближения технологий Taunus-Cortina.

Помимо предыдущих версий в продаже появилось двухдверное купе. Оснащался автомобиль широкой линейкой двигателей объемом от 1,3 до 4,1 литров. Комплектовалась машина трех- или четырехступенчатой «механикой» или трехступенчатой автоматической коробкой передач.

Были доступны следующие варианты отделки салона: базовая, L (для Luxury), XL (Xtra Luxury), GT (Grand Touring) и GXL (Grand Xtra Luxury).

Поначалу, модель этого поколения даже хотели назвать другим именем, но название Cortina прижилось, потому его и оставили. Несмотря на то, что визуально Mark III выглядел больше, чем Mark II, по сути это был все тот же автомобиль, только на 4 дюйма (100 мм) шире. Автомобили второго и трельего поколения имели одинаковую длину, но в последнем удлинили колесную базу (более чем на 3 дюйма или 76 мм), благодаря чему салон стал более просторным.

Передняя подвеска типа Макферсон была заменена на обычную с двойными А-рычагами, что обеспечило боее мягкий проезд неровностей и отчетливую управляемость с более тяжилими лвигателями. Весной 1971 года были внесены значительные изменения в конструкцию передней подвески и крепления амортизаторов.

Модель третьего поколения оказалась более тяжелой, по сравнению с предидущей версией, поскольку в кузове добавились дополнительные упрочняющие элементы для повышения безопасности и звукоизолирующие материалы, для дополнительной изоляции ходовой части и выхлопной системы от салона автомобиля.

Старт продаж Кортины 23 октября 1970 года оказался не сильно удачным, из-за производственных трудностей, связанных с предшествовавшей забастовкой рабочих. Но уже к 1972 году Ford Cortina стал самым продаваемым автомобилем в Великобритании и оставался таковым аж до 1976 года, когда пальму популярности перешла к модели Mk2 Escort.

В Канаде модель третьего поколения продавалась до 1973 года. В Южной Африке продавалась пикап версия этого автомобиля и была доступна версия с локально встроенным двухлитровым двигателем V4, который больше нигде в мире не использовался в этой модели.

Подразделение Ford в Австралии изготавливали свои собственные версии, используя четырехцилиндровые двигатели (1.6 и 2.0) местного производства, и базовые шестицилиндровые двигатели (3.3 и 4,1) с общей производственной линии.

Подразделение Форд в Тайване начало местную сборку Cortina в марте 1973 года. Для Японии, изготавливались специальные, суженные на несколько миллиметров кузова, чтобы вписаться в месное налоговое законодательство, ограничивающее внешние размеры автомобилей на своих улицах.

Ford Cortina Mark III (1970–1976)

Cortina Mark III
1974 Ford Cortina Mark III
Production 1970-19761,126,559 units
Body style(s) 2-door saloon4-door saloon5-door estate2-door convertible (conversion)2-door pickup (P100)
Engine(s) 1.3L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.6L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.6L OHC «Pinto» Straight-42.0L OHC «Pinto» Straight-43.0L OHV «Essex» V6 (South Africa)3.3L OHV Straight-6 (Australia)4.1L OHV Straight-6 (Australia)
Wheelbase 101 inches (2578 mm)
Length 168 inches (4267 mm)
Width 67 inches (1714 mm)
Height 52 inches (1320 mm)

In the late 1960s, Ford set about developing a third generation Cortina, which would be produced in higher volumes than before.

The Mark III Detroit-inspired «coke bottle» shaped Cortina was a hit amongst fleet buyers. It replaced both the Cortina Mark II and the larger, more expensive Ford Corsair by offering more trim levels and the option of larger engines than the Mark II.

The MacPherson strut front suspension was replaced with more conventional double A-arm suspension to give the car a soft ‘freeway’ ride. The larger engines induced distinct understeer.

Ford UK originally wanted to call it something other than Cortina, but the name stuck. Although the Mark III looked significantly larger than the boxier Mark II, it was actually the same overall length, but 4 inches (100 mm) wider.

Trim levels were now Base, L (for Luxury), XL (Xtra Luxury), GT (Grand Touring) and GXL (Grand Xtra Luxury). 1.3 L, 1.6 L and 2.0 L engines were offered, the 1.6 L having two distinct types — the Kent unit for models up to GT trim and a SOHC Pinto unit for the GT and GXL, the latter of which was also offered in 1600 form for a short while. 2.0 L variants used a larger version of the 1600 Pinto unit and were available in all trim levels except base.

Four headlights and Rostyle wheels marked out the GT and GXL versions, while the GXL also had bodyside rubstrips, a vinyl roof and a brushed metal and black tail panel on the GXL and plain black one on the GT. All models featured a downward sloping dashboard with deeply recessed dials and all coil suspension all round. In general styling and technical make up, many observed that the Mark III aped the Vauxhall Victor FD of 1967.

In late 1973, the car received a facelift. Outside, there were revised grilles, rectangular headlights for the XL, GT and the new 2000E (the «E» standing for executive), which replaced the GXL. The 1.3 L Kent engine was carried over but now, 1.6 L models all used the more modern 1.6 L SOHC engine.

Inside, the car received a neater dashboard that no longer sloped away from the driver’s line of sight and upgraded trim. The 2000E reverted to the classy treatment offered by the 1600E instead of the faux wood-grain trim offered by the GXL.

Ford Cortina Mark III 2000E (ie executive version) , with a pre-facelift Cortina Mark I de luxe alongside.

From 1972, the third generation Cortina was the most popular new car in Britain. The Mark III was never sold in the US, although it was available in Canada until 1973.

The Mark III was available in South Africa as the XLE with the Essex V6 3.0L engine. There was also a pickup truck version available.

For Japan, the cars were literally squashed by a few millimetres at each end on arrival in the country in order that they fit into a lower tax bracket.

Ford Cortina Mark IV (1976–1979)

Cortina Mark IV
1978 Ford Cortina Mark IV
Production 1976-19791,131,850 units (including Mark 5) 1977-1980<aus
Body style(s) 2-door saloon4-door saloon5-door estate2-door convertible (conversion)2-door pickup (P100)
Engine(s) 1.3L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.6L OHC «Pinto» Straight-42.0L OHC «Pinto» Straight-42.3L OHV «Cologne» V63.0L OHV «Essex» V6 (South Africa)3.3L OHV Straight-6 (Australia)4.1L OHV Straight-6 (Australia)auto bourg warner 35 gearbox on straight 6 and alloy head after late 1979 on some 4.1 straight 6 te aus points less distributor (elec control module)on some later models te straight 6
Designer Uwe Bahnsen

The fourth generation Cortina was a more conventional design than its predecessor, but this was largely appreciated by fleet buyers. Generally a re-body of the Mark III, as an integration of Ford’s model range, this car was really a re-badged Ford Taunus. Many parts were carried over, most notably the running gear, and even the dashboard design.

This series spawned the first Ghia top-of-the-range model, which replaced the 2000E. The 2.3 L Ford Cologne V6 engine was introduced in 1977 as an engine above the 2.0 L Pinto engine, already a staple of the Capri and Granada ranges. The 2.3 L was available to the GL, S and Ghia variants.

2 and 4-door saloons and a 5-door estate were offered with all other engines being carried over. There was a choice of base, L, GL, S (for Sport) and Ghia trims, again not universal to all engines and body styles. The dashboard was carried over intact from the last of the Mark III Cortinas while the estate used the rear body pressings of the previous 1970 release Taunus.

Throughout its production life, the Mark IV was the most popular new car in the United Kingdom. Despite this, it is now the rarest of all Cortinas. Scant rustproofing (much improved on the later «Cortina 80» models) and popularity with banger racers accelerated its demise.

Sales success

The Ford Cortina was a very popular car in Britain throughout its lifespan. In 1967, it interrupted the Austin/Morris 1100/1300s reign as Britain’s best selling car. From 1972 to 1981, the Cortina enjoyed an unbroken run as Britain best selling car every year. Its key rivals in the 1960s were the Morris Oxford and Austin/Morris 1800, during the 1970s it was competing with the Vauxhall Cavalier, Austin Maxi and Morris Marina. At the end of its life it was facing stiff competition from the more advanced and practical second generation Vauxhall Cavalier, but was still more popular.

The final incarnation of the Cortina was Britain’s best selling car for the 1980 and 1981 calendar years, and combined with Mark IV sales the Cortina also topped the sales charts for 1979. Even in 1982, when during its final year of production it was pushed off the top of the charts by the Ford Escort, the Cortina was still hugely popular with buyers.

The Cortina was also a very popular selling car in New Zealand throughout its production and continued to be sold new until 1984.

Although the last Cortina rolled off the production line in 1982, thousands of them remained in stock (with more than 11,000 being sold in 1983), and the final six examples didn’t find homes until 1987.

As recently as the early 1990s, Cortinas were still a common sight on British roads, and in May 1992 The Times newspaper revealed that the Mark IV / Mark V models were still among the 10 most common cars on Britain’s roads.

By 2000, however, the vast majority of them had headed for the scrap yard. In August 2006, following a survey by Auto Express, it was identified as the second most scrapped car to be sold in Britain since 1976. Of the 1,065,682 Mark IV and Mark V Cortinas registered in the UK, just 2,010 were still in working order — fewer than one in 500. It was second only to the Morris Marina, which had ceased production two years before the Cortina and fared even worse with less than one in 1000 still registered.

Ford Cortina Mark I (1962–1966)

Cortina Mark I
Production 1962-1966933,143 units
Body style(s) 2-door saloon4-door saloon5-door estate2-door convertible (conversion)
Engine(s) 1.2L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.5L OHV «Kent» Straight-4
Wheelbase 98 in (2489 mm)
Length 168.25 in (4274 mm) (saloon) 168.5 in (4280 mm) (estate)
Width 62.5 in (1588 mm)
Height 56.5 in (1435 mm) (saloon) 57.75 in (1467 mm) (estate)
Curb weight 1,736 lb (787 kg) (De Luxe)2,072 lb (940 kg) (Estate)
Fuel capacity Template:Convert/LoffAonDbSoffImp
Related Lotus Cortina

Notable models were the Lotus Cortina and Cortina GT. Available with 1.2 L and 1.5 L engines in 2 and 4-door saloon and 4-door estate forms. Standard, Deluxe, Super and GT trims were offered but not across all body styles. Estates offered the option of fake wood side and tailgate trim, aping American-style estates, for a short time. There were two main variants of the Mark 1. The Mark 1a possessed elliptical front side-lights, whereas the Mark 1b had a re-designed front grill incorporating the squarer side-lights. Advertising of the revised version, which appeared in late 1964, made much of the newly introduced «Aeroflow» through-flow ventilation, evidenced by the extractor vents on the rear pillars. The dashboard, instruments and controls were also revised.

The engines used across the Mark I range were of identical design, differing only in capacity and setup. The formula used was a 4-cylinder pushrod (Over Head Valve) design that came to be known as the «pre-crossflow» version as both inlet and exhaust ports were located on the same side of the head. The most powerful version of this engine (used in the GT Cortina) was 1498 cc (1500) and produced 78 bhp (58 kW). This engine contained a different camshaft profile, a different cast of head featuring larger ports, tubular exhaust headers and a Weber double barrel carburettor.

Lotus Cortina models were solely offered as 2-door saloons all in white with a contrasting green side flash down each flank. Lotus Cortinas had a unique 1.6 L twin cam engine by Lotus, but based on the Cortina’s Kent OHV engine. Aluminium was used for some body panels. For a certain time, it also had a unique A-frame rear suspension, but this proved fragile and the model soon reverted to the standard Cortina semi-elliptic rear end.

Ford Cortina Mark V (1979–1982)

Cortina Mark V
1982 Ford Cortina Mark V 2.0GL
Production 1979-1982production — see Mark IV
Body style(s) 2-door saloon4-door saloon5-door estate2-door convertible (conversion)2-door pickup (P100)
Engine(s) 1.3L OHV «Kent» Straight-41.6L OHC «Pinto» Straight-42.0L OHC «Pinto» Straight-42.3L OHV «Cologne» V63.0L OHV «Essex» V6 (South Africa)3.3L OHV Straight-6 (Australia)4.1L OHV Straight-6 (Australia)

The Mark V was announced in September 1979. Officially it was known as «Cortina 80», although the Mark V tag was given to it immediately on release, by the press, insiders and the general public.

A large update on the Mark IV, it was really a step between a facelift and a re-body. The Mark V differentiated itself from the Mark IV by having revised headlights with larger turn indicators incorporated (which now showed to the side too), a wider slatted grille said to be more aerodynamically efficient, a flattened roof, more glass area, slimmer C-pillars with revised vent covers, larger, slatted tail lights (on saloon models) and upgraded trim.

By contrast, the estate models combined the Mk IV’s bodyshell (which was initially from the 1970 Ford Taunus) with Mk V front body pressings.

Variants included the Base, L, GL and Ghia variants (all available in both saloon and estate forms), together with Base and L spec 2-door sedan versions. An optional «S» pack was also available for most models. Various «special editions» were announced, including the Calypso and Carousel. The final production model was the Crusader special edition (although sold in high numbers) which was available as a 1.3, 1.6 and 2.0 saloons or 1.6 and 2.0 estates.

By this time, the Cortina was starting to feel the competition from a rejuvenated (and Opel influenced) Vauxhall, which with the 1981 release Cavalier J-Car, was starting to make inroads on the Cortina’s traditional fleet market, largely helped by the front wheel drive benefits, of weight and grip.

Up to and including 1981, the Cortina was the best selling car in Britain. Even during its final production year, 1982, the Cortina was Britain’s second best selling car and most popular large family car. On the continent, the Taunus version was competing with more modern and practical designs like the Talbot Alpine, Volkswagen Passat and Renault 18, but the brand image of Ford’s blue oval ensured the Cortina was a success in virtually every country where it was sold.

The very last Cortina – a silver Crusader – rolled off the Dagenham production line in July 1982 on the launch of the ultramodern Sierra, though there were still a few leaving the forecourt as late as 1987, with one final unregistered Cortina GL leaving a Derbyshire dealership in 2005.

1982 was also the year in which the Cortina lost its title as Britain’s best selling car, having held that position every year since 1972. It was still selling well though, and the number one position had been taken by another Ford product: the Escort.

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